Debunking HowTheWorldWorks’ Attacks on LiberalViewer


These links lead to webpages providing detailed descriptions of the many errors in the HowTheWorldWorks videos attacking my LiberalViewer videos:

Rebuttal to "The Visual Fisking of the LiberalViewer"

Rebuttal to "The Visual Fisking of the LiberalViewer, Part 2"

Rebuttal to "LiberalViewer Deliberately Distorts the Facts, Part 1"

Rebuttal to "LiberalViewer Deliberately Distorts the Facts, Part 2"

Rebuttal to "LiberalViewer Deliberately Distorts the Facts, Part 3"

Rebuttal to "LiberalViewer Deliberately Distorts the Facts, Part 4"

Rebuttal to "LiberalViewer Deliberately Distorts the Facts, Part 5"

Rebuttal to "LiberalViewer Deliberately Distorts the Facts, Part 6"

Rebuttal to "LiberalViewer Deliberately Distorts the Facts, Part 7"

Rebuttal to "LiberalViewer Deliberately Distorts the Facts, Part 8"